
What Are The Meanings Of Where You Put A Tattoo

Concerned that some professional football players may be sporting gang-related tattoos, the NFL is calling in people who are experts in reading the meanings of body ink, CBS Sports reports.

Tattoos may be peel deep, merely their significance sometimes goes deeper. The messages sent by trunk art are an individual'due south self-expression, just there are recurring motifs that tin can often tell yous something about the wearer.

Spinous wire tin mean a stint in prison house. A red rose is often a reflection of romance. With a little guidance, reading someone'southward tattoos can be like interpreting someone's dreams. The theme has been explored time and over again, nigh notably in Ray Bradbury's 1951 short story collection The Illustrated Man.

"Tattoo collectors oft wear art that speaks to them personally," explains Marisa Kakoulas of Needles and Sins, "whether it be their culture, religion, fifty-fifty tributes to loved ones."

Nosotros asked Marisa to give united states her interpretations of a few of the more obscure peel designs:

^ The Phoenix

"The phoenix has been a longtime tattoo favorite and continues to abound in popularity, as people identify with the mythology surrounding this bird who rises from the ashes, renewed in life. It often represents that a wearer has overcome some adversity."

^ Sugar Skull

"Yous'll often find blackness and gray tattoos with motifs such as praying hands, representing faith; or representations of the Mexican Day of the Expressionless sugar skulls as a way to honor loved ones who have passed," Marisa says. "The sugar skulls have become popular motifs ... because of their colorful, artful designs, but likewise as they represent our mortality."

Anchor tattoo

^ Nautical Tattoos

"Classic Americana tattoos, similar those worn by sailors for generations, remain timeless. For example, you may find a squealer tattooed on one foot and a rooster tattooed on some other, which accept their origins in the old belief that with these tattoos, a crewman would not drown, just like those animals who would float in their cargo crates and not go down with a sinking transport."


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