
How To Put Stripes In Lawn

As a young kid, I remember seeing those really absurd stripes across the major ballparks or football game fields when I watched games with my family unit, e'er curious equally to how they managed to achieve that wait.

Now much older I honey to come across those stripes that stretch across my local golf course, and whilst it might feel like those pristine lines are expertly placed there past the SUPER talented groundskeeper, they are actually achievable for your lawn too!

Just how, you lot might ask?

The technique of placing flawless stripes, checkerboards and diamonds – every bit well as many other fantastical designs – onto your lawn is chosen "lawn striping" and tin be washed with surprisingly very little attempt!

If you want to learn how to become this look of a clean and neatly patterned lawn, then read on!


  • What is Lawn Striping?
  • How to DIY Backyard Stripes In the Comfort of Your Own Home
  • Step-By-Step on How to Stripe Your Lawn and Attain Other Eye-Communicable Designs!
    • How to Perform a Three-point Y-turn
    • Basic Pattern: Stripes
    • Checkerboard
    • Criss-cross or Diagonal Checkerboards
    • How to Backyard Stripe Around Obstacles
  • Which Mower is All-time for Lawn Striping?
    • Null-Plough Mower
    • Riding Mower
    • Push Mower
    • Alternate Methods
  • 7 Tips and Tricks to Get Your Backyard Stripes Ballpark Worthy!
  • FAQs
    • Is lawn striping bad for the health of your grass?
    • How long does lawn striping last?
    • Which grass is all-time for lawn striping?
    • Can you stripe lawn without an zipper?
    • How practice I make a DIY lawn striper?
  • Summary

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What is Lawn Striping?

The art of lawn striping is accomplished past creating contrasting colors on your grass through precisely placed lines caused past pressure on the grass blades in opposing directions. Whilst this might sound oddly strategic, the science behind information technology is actually quite simple!

The effect of lawn striping is really the consequence of an optical illusion, would you believe?

The grass blades are methodically pressed down to attain a flattened advent that catches the sunday in diverse directions – resulting in different patterns.

aerial photography of house and striped lawn

How to DIY Lawn Stripes In the Comfort of Your Ain Domicile

And then how exactly is this magic illusion achieved?

Lawn striping uses the scientific discipline of reflectivity to create the contrasts we see along large stretches of grass at golf game courses and football fields.

The technique requires that the lines be placed in an orderly fashion and that they are laid downwards with precision. The sunday reflects off the flattened grass and depending on what direction you stand is how you'll see which rows are lighter versus darker.

Lawn striping increases the contrasting colors that nosotros run across in these lines by making one row lighter whilst the side by side row darker. This dissimilarity is what allows this pattern to stand out then sharply!

Using the direct sunlight to alternately reflect on the grass is the essence of this optical illusion!

In order to achieve this aesthetically pleasing art-on-grass expect, y'all'll demand to skip mowing your lawn for a calendar week (if you can!) equally this technique requires slightly more growth on the blades.

Recollect of your backyard to be just like pilus, in order for it to be styled, information technology needs some length to manipulate the management that information technology's flattened towards, nosotros've all had that super brusque haircut that just cannot be styled, and so the same way that short hair can't exist styled is the aforementioned way super curt grass can't be striped.

Then, to perform this grass-bending approach you demand to allow the grass-blades to be cut at 1.5" to 2" in the warmer seasons, whilst can exist left at i" to 1.5" in cooler seasons, as the full general dominion of 'green'-thumb.

Grass-type can too have an bear upon on how finer these patterns can be created.

It has been found that colder season grasses such as Fescue, Bluegrass and Ryegrass create the most contrasting effect whilst summer flavour grasses similar Couch-grass, Kikuyu and Zoysia have a fainter consequence every bit they are hardier and tin be mowed lower.

So, based on the level of contrast that you would similar, brand sure to choose the right grass for your garden!

Prior to attempting the patterns, yous want to make sure there are no foreign objects on your lawn that can have an bear on on the final outcome of your lawn-striping and your safety.

Also as this, you lot'll want to mow a perimeter around your lawn which creates a zone in which yous can turn your mower, moreover, using a 3-function y-plow will help you in a seamless maneuver to each stripe.

perfectly striped freshly mowed garden lawn

Step-By-Footstep on How to Stripe Your Lawn and Reach Other Centre-Communicable Designs!

As stated in a higher place, for all of these methods you demand to beginning by mowing a perimeter around your lawn, this volition give you some infinite to perform a tight iii-point y-plough between each row you lot make.

How to Perform a Three-point Y-plough

  1. At the end of each row, enter the perimeter that y'all mowed beforehand and veer toward the next row.
  2. Opposite.
  3. Drive forward into the side by side mowing row

At present let's get started on your striping! Beneath are some super helpful step-by-stride methods that you can use to stripe your lawn, merely for a more visual explanation, you can lookout man a YouTube video below!

Basic Pattern: Stripes

Stripes are the easiest of the many designs that you can attempt and they can be done in every bit little equally 3 steps! With this concept, y'all can adjust it so that you tin develop more complex designs such as mowing round backyard stripes!

  1. Mow your perimeter.
  2. Mow parallel lines as shut to each other every bit you tin manage, being certain to attempt a tight y-turn before yous start the adjacent row.
  3. Re-mow over your perimeter to hide your turns.

Information technology's THAT simple!


Checkerboard lines are also simple and follow the aforementioned concept every bit just plain stripes, just overlapping.

  1. Mow your perimeter.
  2. Follow the aforementioned steps as mowing stripes, except get out out re-mowing the perimeter.
  3. Afterwards you have mowed your final stripe, staying within the perimeter travel to the corner of your perimeter so that yous are 90º with your current stripes.
  4. Mow another striped pattern all the way beyond.
  5. Re-mow your perimeter to hide your turn marks.

Criss-cross or Diagonal Checkerboards

This design is achieved by post-obit the checkerboard method but at a diagonal degree.

  1. Create a mowed perimeter.
  2. Mow diagonal parallel rows across your lawn using the same method as the striping technique above.
  3. After your concluding row, move to the corner of your perimeter and starting time mowing more diagonal rows that are 90º to your previous lines.
  4. Mow over your plow marks in the perimeter.

a freshly mown lawn with stripers and a barn in the background

How to Backyard Stripe Around Obstacles

Many gardens have trees or found beds that are simply a chore to mow around but yous shouldn't let this put you lot off of your backyard striping adventures! Lawn striping around obstacles may be a challenge simply following the aforementioned principles equally higher up it is super manageable!

You want to start by mowing a edge around the obstacle, this may exist the hard and inconvenient office, but it will help you lot having to slow right down when approaching the obstruction.

The all-time way that you lot can achieve the most seamless rows is by getting a maneuverable lawnmower, this added movement will hateful you can slowly but surely get that tight plow and shut rows.

Which Mower is Best for Lawn Striping?

And then, now that y'all know how to create those infamous lawn stripes, which mower is really all-time for the job?

If you want to get the best result, y'all'll desire the all-time equipment, equally the better-quality mower that y'all accept will not only make the task easier for you just also give you the all-time cease possible!

You can use whatever variation of mower for this technique, just it is really down to efficiency, as well as the user's preference, you don't want to use all your time doing this when y'all can get the job done in half the time with one-half the effort, as well.

For the purpose of this article, I will talk near 3 main types of mowers that I believe will give you lot the all-time terminate bachelor likewise as make the chore as smooth equally possible: goose egg-turn mowers, riding mowers and push mowers, all of which you can use to achieve backyard stripes in your own garden!

Before we go started, just be aware that whilst information technology is achievable without a striping kit, it is recommended that a striping attachment is used as they are beneficial and will requite a better finish. You can also DIY a striping kit at home, something I elaborate on later on in this article!

man mowing grass with zero turn mower at the large garden

Zippo-Plough Mower

Using a naught-turn mower to create backyard stripes is fairly easy and direct forrad, I believe it is of the more unproblematic and effective ways to get those perfect lines beyond your lawn.

With a zero-turn mower, you lot can add a striping attachment that will apply pressure to the grass as you mow! With this method, y'all will still need to mow a perimeter around your garden for some leeway and so mow over your perimeter to reduce turn marks.

Using a goose egg-turn mower is not bad for landscaping acreage to get that ballpark finish and calculation a striping attachment to your mower is great for achieving a consistent color dissimilarity.

When using this type of lawnmower, you'll desire to heighten your deck then that your grass length is cut a tad longer so that the striping kit can perfectly manipulate the grass blades.

Riding Mower

Using a riding mower without a striping kit is unproblematic merely requires more work than a zero-plough mower.

Riding mowers are good for striping lawn without an attachment as y'all tin lower the deck as much as possible to the ground so that the grass can be pressed downward well.

Doing it this fashion, even so, will require you to mow your entire backyard at the height y'all desire, preferably at ii" for piece of cake blade-bending, and then with the blades unengaged and the deck lowered, go over your backyard in parallel lines, doing a abrupt plough at the perimeter.

Once, over again later you have striped your backyard to your satisfaction, y'all'll need to go over the perimeter to hide any turn marks.

Don't forget to cheque out the article Best Riding Lawnmowers for Rough Terrain.

Button Mower

Using a push mower is great for smaller yards with less lawn coverage and can help get the chore done equally too equally when using a zero-turn mower or a riding mower.

Using a push mower is very similar to using a riding mower in that y'all mow over your unabridged lawn with the deck height set high enough to achieve a 2" height on your grass.

And then with the deck at its lowest and the motor off you can get over the grass in parallel lines. Nonetheless, with the motor off, yous can go over your perimeter to hide your turns.

Alternating Methods

If yous don't want to use a mower to create the stripes, you can utilise a manual method using a handheld roller.

This method requires you to mow your lawn at a 2" height and and then go over your backyard and apply pressure with a weighted roller.

You tin can use the aforementioned strategy as each of the other mowers, similar mowing a perimeter and using a tight three-indicate y-plough, as this method can besides provide yous with super high contrast between rows.

Y'all want to make sure that the roller you choose has a loftier weight content because the heavier the roller the more force will be applied and will ensure that the grass is flattened properly.

man mowing lawn with push lawnmower

7 Tips and Tricks to Get Your Backyard Stripes Ballpark Worthy!

At present that you lot know how to stripe your lawn like a pro – below are some actress tips and tricks that you tin do to brand your stripes look fifty-fifty meliorate!

Lawn mower on green grass


Is lawn striping bad for the health of your grass?

Lawn striping really PROMOTES healthy lawn growth, how swell!

When we mow our lawn in a single direction, nosotros make grooves, truck marks and even some patches.

These deformities when just flattened in one management can create a awning over the grass that needs the most attention, meaning that somewhen, you'll get dryness and possibly even some dead grass, the terminal affair nosotros desire when we stripe our backyard!

Creating these stripes in your lawn means that your grass can become even exposure to the sun and watering, which obviously then promotes really great growth.

That being said, it is recommended that you alternate the management that y'all flatten the rows each time you lot do this design and so both sides get some TLC!

How long does lawn striping concluding?

Backyard stripes last as long as the grass grows and disappear through the growing process, so during the growing season will only terminal a few days.

Which grass is all-time for lawn striping?

Cooler flavor grass types are considered the all-time for striping as they retain water and can curve better. Fescue is the best cooler season grass to choose from out of the many variations as it is finer and can also maintain its health at the longer lengths needed for lawn striping.

If you want to attempt lawn striping with warmer season grasses, Zoysia is the better option as it is finer so tin can create the striping effect pretty well. Merely exist aware that due to the stiffness of these grass types, the stripped appearance won't stay as long as they practise for cooler season grasses.

Don't be agape to try your backyard striping on either grass-type, libation and warmer grasses can both achieve a flatter appearance, you might simply need to tailor your method slightly for each.

To find out which grass type you would prefer, and which is mostly considered best, sentinel this YouTube video!

Can you stripe lawn without an attachment?

Striping backyard without a special flattening attachment is doable only may require more endeavour from you.

In lodge to do this, you have to mow your whole backyard at the 2" length and then with the blades disengaged and your deck as low as it tin can become, you lot can flatten the grass.

Whilst it even so makes that striped expect that you're afterward, the stripes won't exist as defined on your first round, so you might want to go over information technology a few times to get a higher contrast.

How exercise I make a DIY backyard striper?

At-home lawn stripers are definitely a matter and aren't actually hard at all! For a good striper to work, it'south all about weight as the heavier the striper, the flatter the grass volition become.

For this task you'll demand:

  • PVC pipes effectually 3" thick
  • A sandbag
  • PVC end caps
  • Several plastic ties
  • Drill
  • Screwdriver
  • 3" hole saw (optional)


  1. Cut the PVC pipage to the length betwixt your dorsum tires.
  2. Mensurate the distance between the 2 places y'all will be tying the striper to on the mower and drill 2 holes that distance apart on the PVC pipe.
  3. Put an end cap on one end of the PVC pipe and fill it with sand and and so close the end off with the other end cap.
  4. To attach this weighted roller to your mower you can use plastic cablevision ties. You desire to keep the roller about 1" above the basis and to avoid information technology striking the wheels of your lawnmower, y'all can also use the cable ties to pull them away.
  5. Now yous're fix to mow!!

For an in-depth tutorial on how to construct your own lawn striper, spotter this great informative video on YouTube!


There yous have it!

A super comprehensive guide on how to attain those perfectly seamless stripes on your lawn, just like a professional person ballpark! These tips and tricks will help you to not simply create simple designs only too teach you how to develop more complex designs over-time.

Use this guide for yourself, and don't be afraid to share it with your fellow happy gardeners – lawn striping is for everyone!

Do you lot know whatsoever tips I could learn virtually backyard striping? Let me know in the comments, I beloved to read your contributions!


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